Monday 7 June 2010


2day i gv my ah ma psych out
whn i dreaming at morning
my ah ma call ah ling ah ling ah ling
i think my ah ma cm again
faster run down to see lo
thn ah ma just say
i think u went out ad
no hear ur sound..
i'm dreaming leh~~
ad not enough slp de la
still wan play tis thg meh~~
tat fei zai lol
i 1.04am slp
thn he 2.13am call me
talk until 2.45am like tat
damn tireb
my mum so funny
go pick up tat hs phone n thn hear fei zai say wat
thn i only ask my mama close phone~~

i take ah ma go private hospital
bt tat result also the same~~
whn my ah ma
effuse too many blood
if lucky thn not thg lo
if unlucky thn just only cn say bb
so pity~~
me see my ah ma like tat
so so n damn sad ya~~
whn i still is a baby
my ah ma take k me 24 hrs
whn i cry she buy candy 4 me
whn i hapi i also share wif her
whn i gv my father beat,my ah ma will hlp me
whn....too much
so scare now
whn she pass up
i think my family more like
bcos no ppl always stay at hm
so sad now

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