Wednesday 2 September 2009


2day i also slp until 11am...kekekeke
whn i wake perut so pain nei bcos
i "LaI Ye"..last month i din hv come,so now will cm many

thn i go make tat rose+sugar loh...
tis formula is auby choy told me de~~she say drink tat
will not pain..thn i ask my father buy tat rose 4 try loh...
no tahan abit loh..n i not k tat water thn put d many sugar inside
so sweets er~~sweets boom~~

i put inside my bottle bcos later i will go jessica hs
so she also cn drink loh..she also "LaI Ye"
SaMe dAy wif Me

aftat i drive my car loh..wat the...
the road so jam nei~~
all the driver so noob loh..

reach jessica right hand take tat sembayang thg
left hand take bottle,a beg of nail..
thn nvm loh...
i ding tong many tm no ppl cm out to opn door
very very damn hot at outside...

In aftnoon v go out bought the nail art book..
v go fajah a shop hv tat book loh~~
jessica fetch me go to a shop buy
inside all is very difficult de
so i just buy a normal n easy de..
tat book so expensive loh
a nail book d RM32.90
no any discount nei

do noe y i go bought it..
so n0ob
money go away d...
tat nails thg d using my many money loh..
heart so pain...

2day i hv hlp jessica make nails...
so nice ar..
×TiS iS i hLp JesSicA MaKe d3~~×
×s0 cLaSs ma..×

whn i wan bk hm..
jessica mum cook tat soup is my love
(G tou tong)
whn u drink...
u will feel so keng~~
good the nei~~

2day is my X boy friend's birthday~~
i think d many tm wan sms he
hapi b'day o not leh??
i just wan b he fren
but he not think so ..
he will think i still love him..
y all the boy break up wif gf cnt b bk fren de

Tmr Myee say 10am must reach scch..
tmr is Mandy teach..
so eraly wan wake up..
but wan chee n ah si cham thn me lah~~
thm live so far..
wan take KTM n LRT...
so bother ~~

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